Boulder Mornings
Sunny days, dogs, and the Flatirons. Perfect start to the day!

New Website to mark 5-year Anniversary
Global Storyteller created a new website for a local salon to highlight personalized care, detail options available, and create visually engaging website.

Blossom Beauty Website
Busy creating a website upgrade and fresh look for Blossom Beauty in Bellevue, Washington. Watch for the launch on March 30th to see the new look.

Ski Day
Looking forward to Ski day #5 of the season. Steep slopes and blue skies – what more could you want? Happy New Year’s Eve.

Freedom of Freelance
After years of challenging jobs that I’ve loved, I’m stepping back into freelance so I can enjoy the freedom of working on my own schedule, from whatever location I happen to be in. I’m branching out to build a new career in voice over acting,

Adventures of 2018
Heads up! My corporate/nonprofit jobs kept me too busy to do much with this website. I’m now exploring new options in Storytelling. More information to come soon…

Global Birth Doula
Nothing is more important than a good start in life for babies, moms, and families. Childbirth is a magical occasion in life. A birth doula provides continuous emotional and labor support to a birthmother and her partner before, during, and just after childbirth. Birthmothers with a doula are 28% less
Dear President Obama, Get Angry
Dear President Obama, Get angry. Please, get angry and get loud. Raise hell. Use the power of your office. Use the power of your voice. BE A LEADER. Charleston, Ferguson, Baltimore, McKinney, Oakland. This is racial terrorism within the United States. Hope? Where is the
Ageing Beauty
I like to think that as I age, I will work to stay young at heart, body, and mind, and accept the rest of ageing gracefully. However, while recently at the plastic surgeon’s office for a scar repair, I have to admit I was intrigued
“I refuse to accept the view that mankind is so tragically bound to the starless midnight of racism and war that the bright daybreak of peace and brotherhood can never become a reality… I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final